Saturday, December 12, 2015

Introduction to Units I, II, III, and IV

Learning the art of painting is not an easy task.  It takes a great deal of intelligence, 
keen analysis, study and practice.
~Edgar A. Payne

Well, at least I can study and practice.  Here is a sneak peek into what to expect for Units I, II, III, and IV:
  • Unit I:  Exercise based on Richard Schmid's color charts (buy his book Alla Prima II here). 
  • Unit II: Leslie Saeta's 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge, beginning January 1, 2016 (sign up for the challenge here).  Some of the individual exercises will be loosely based on those found in Carol Marine's book, Daily Painting (buy her book here).
  • Unit III:  Review of and exercises based on Kevin Macpherson's Landscape Painting Inside & Out (buy his book here.)
  • Unit IV:  Review of and exercises based on John F. Carlson's Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting (buy his book here).
Here is my Pinterest board with links to the books:

       Follow Monique's board Art Books for Wet On The Easel Blog on Pinterest.  

I suggest buying the books; they are great resources and you'll get more out of the exercises if you do.

As always, please subscribe to follow along or join in.  I'd love to meet you--please introduce yourself in the comments.  Also, your feedback is most appreciated.  Leave your questions, comments, and hate mail below.  (I won't post the hate mail, ha!)  Thanks for stopping by.  Monique


  1. Monique, your blog is so well organized. I love the imbedded links and the Pinterest boards - great asset for anyone following your process.

    Since you asked for introductions - My Name is Molly Tuttle. I've been a graphic designer for over 30 years and started painting almost full time 2 years ago. I say almost full time because I still do websites, and at the moment that business has crowded out my painting time.

    I am planning to do Leslie Saetas 30 in 30, but I'm going to be realistic and call it 10 in 30, since its day 3 and I haven't posted yet. Yikes.

    I live at Holden Beach, NC. It is a tiny barrier island (population 547) about halfway between Wilmington, NC and Myrtle Beach, SC.

    I look forward to getting to know you better. Thanks for sharing your process.

    1. Molly--it is so nice to meet you! Thank you for commenting and offering encouragement. I'd love to see your paintings--do you have a blog or website?

      I'll keep an eye out for your postings on the 30 in 30--If you can get in the studio more than you would otherwise, it is a win! (I question whether I'll really be able to do all thirty, too. It is tougher than I thought!)

      Holden Beach sounds absolutely heavenly. I'm originally from the Pacific Northwest, and I miss the ocean. Do you paint plein air?

      Looking forward to getting to know you, too!
